Kluczową działalnością firmy EXBIO jest produkcja oraz dystrybucja przeciwciał na całym świecie na zasadzie sprzedaży OEM oraz w ramach zamówień zbiorczych. Ponadto w ofercie firmy znajdują się białka, produkty diagnostyczne oraz zestawy testowe.

Oferta producenta obejmuje:

Human Immunology

CD and Related Antigens (Human)

MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) and Related Antigens (Human)

Blood Group Antigens (Human)

Adaptor Proteins (Human)

Phosphorylation (Kinases, Phosphatases, Phosphotyrosine) (Human)

Cytoskeleton: Tubulin System (Human)

Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments (Human)

Cytoskeleton: Actin System (Human)

Transcription Regulation & Nuclear Proteins (Human)

Serum & Plasma Proteins (Human)

Hormones (Human)

Immunoglobulins (Human)

Apoptosis (Human)

Signaling of Small GTPases (Human)

Calcium Signaling (Human)

Cyclin Signaling (Human)

Cytokine Signaling (Human)

Fertility & Reproduction (Human)

Endocytosis (Human)

Neurobiology (Human)

Virology and Microbiology

Miscellaneous (Human)

Rodent Immunology

CD and Related Antigens & MHC (Rodent)

Adaptor Proteins (Rodent)

Phosphorylation (Kinases, Phosphatases, Phosphotyrosine) (Rodent)

Cytoskeleton: Tubulin System (Rodent)

Cytoskeleton: Actin System (Rodent)

Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments (Rodent)

Transcription Regulation & Nuclear Proteins (Rodent)

Apoptosis (Rodent)

Calcium Signaling (Rodent)

Fertility & Reproduction (Rodent)

Endocytosis (Rodent)

Cytokine Signaling (Rodent)

Neurobiology (Rodent)

Veterinary Reagents

CD Antigens & MHC (Veterinary)

Adaptor Proteins (Veterinary)

Phosphorylation (Kinases, Phosphatases, Phosphotyrosine) (Veterinary)

Cytoskeleton: Tubulin System (Veterinary)

Cytoskeleton: Actin System (Veterinary)

Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments (Veterinary)

Transcription Regulation & Nuclear Proteins (Veterinary)

Serum & Plasma Proteins (Veterinary)

Hormones (Veterinary)

Immunoglobulins (Veterinary)

Apoptosis (Veterinary)

Cyclin Signaling (Veterinary)

Fertility & Reproduction (Veterinary)

Endocytosis (Veterinary)

Neurobiology (Veterinary)

Cell Biology

Adaptor Proteins

Phosphorylation (Kinases, Phosphatases, Phosphotyrosine)

Cytoskeleton: Microtubular System

Cytoskeleton: Actin System

Cytoskeleton: Intermediate Filaments

Transcription Regulation & Nuclear Proteins


Signaling of Small GTPases

Calcium Signaling

Cyclin Signaling

Fertility & Reproduction

Small Organic Molecules

Epitope Tags

Isotype Control Reagents

Mouse Immunoglobulin Isotype Controls


Assay Kits

Diagnostic products
